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Bobcat Student Orientation Transportation & 停车 Information

January 31, 2024

Ohio University Transportation & 停车场服务(TPS)欢迎所有参加bet8九州登录入口学生迎新活动的新生. 

我们期待找到交通和停车的解决方案,以满足您的需求,为即将到来的学年做准备. 您可以在下面找到关于我们服务的常见问题的摘要. 如果您有其他问题,请致电740与我们的客户服务中心(CCC)联系.593.1917, by text at 740.593.4040, or by email at tps@俄亥俄州.edu.

Where do I park during orientation?

报到当日,所有来宾应将车停在会议中心127/128/129号车位. 当您到达校园停车场时,bet8九州登录入口学生指导工作人员将迎接您并提供停车证. 此停车证应在您逗留期间显示在您车辆的仪表板上.


Detailed information regarding your scheduled Bobcat Student Orientation program can be found on the main Orientation website.

How do I apply/get a permit for Fall Semester?

Student permits are not available for purchase at this time. TPS将在7月份发送电子邮件通知学生额外的许可证细节,提醒学生何时开始销售. In order to purchase a permit, you will need to log into your parking portal and also be registered for classes at Ohio University. Fall 2024 permits will go on sale July 15, 2024年上午9点,在校内宿舍修满30个或以上学分的学生. 从7月23日开始,完成学分少于30小时且居住在校园宿舍的学生将有资格购买许可证, 2024 at 9AM. 学生通勤许可证将于2024年7月29日上午9点开始发放.

Do I have to pay upfront for my permit?

是的,为了购买一张停车证,在购买时要支付总费用. 当通过您的停车门户网站在线订购时,您将被提示使用借记卡或信用卡.

Can freshman park on campus?

新生在校园内停车的数量有限,许可证以先到先得的方式出售. 如果学生无法获得bet8九州登录入口校园停车许可证,他们可以将自己添加到候补名单中, or find parking with off-campus vendors. For more information please contact the Customer Care Center.

How do I know what type of parking permit I am eligible for?

根据学生的学分和住房安排,有几种停车选择. The various permit options are listed below and also found on the transportation and parking website.

  • 通勤者, 通勤学生被定义为居住在离最近的校园通勤停车场1英里或更远的学生. 居住在这1英里半径内的学生不允许购买通勤停车位,应利用现有的交通机会. 要确定您的地址是否有资格获得通勤许可证,请联系TPS以获得额外指导. 
  • Residential- 住宿学生是指住在大学宿舍的学生. Three permit categories are available for residential students.
    • 保证地面停车场:在专用的夜间校园地面停车场内的住宅存储停车场. 
    • 非担保地面停车场:在特定的校园地面停车场内的住宅存储停车场-与其他设施用户(教职员工)共享停车场 & commuter students) and not guaranteed. 
    • Guaranteed Garage Lot: Residential storage parking within dedicated & covered overnight campus garage facilities. 
  • 保留, 在指定的校园停车设施内提供预留停车位. 
    • Baker University Center Garage
    • Jefferson Garage (East Green)
    • Lot 17 (Congress Street)

How do I purchase a permit?

All permits are purchased through the online parking portal. 所有许可证都由第三方供应商分发,并将通过邮件接收. 

What do I do if all permits are sold out?

学生将收到有关许可证销售的电子邮件,以及许可证开始销售的确切日期和时间. If all locations are sold out, view options for off campus locations. 您也可以将自己列入等候名单,并将在收到请求的订单中被选中. 

What if I receive a permit for the Ridges but need access to my vehicle?

Please refer to transit options below.

Where can family or visitors park when they visit campus?

深绿色及紫色停车场于星期一至五下午五时至上午七时及星期六及星期日全日开放予公众泊车. 请仔细查看停车场标志,以确保在校园活动或停车场关闭之前没有停车限制. 每小时停车可通过停车收费站和计费器在整个校园. All fees must be paid when parking in an hourly parking space. 特殊的停车设施通常是在家庭活动的周末. 欲了解更多详情,请参阅TPS网站,以了解各活动日期的详情. 

俄亥俄州 parents and grandparents 是否有资格在参观校园期间获得免费的临时访客许可证. 许可证 must be obtained in person at the Transportation & 停车服务客户服务中心在营业时间内位于工厂街100号的西格林.

What transit options are available to me?


  • CATS Daily Campus Shuttles- A free shuttle service for students, faculty/staff & visitors traveling to multiple destinations throughout campus. 该服务在秋季的周一至周五上午7:30至下午5:30在专用路线上运行 & Spring Semesters. Service runs by request during Summer & Winter Break.
  • 猫的出租车- 一项免费的辅助交通服务,以帮助行动不便的教职员工和学生. 这项服务通过提供完全无障碍的门到门交通工具,解决了校园地形和停车问题.
  • CATS Late 晚上- Free on-demand transit service for students & 教职员工提供安全可靠的校园旅行方式. This service is available during Fall & 春季学期周一至周五下午5:30至11点,周六至周日下午6:00至11点.
  • Bobcat Pass- This program is a partnership between Ohio University & HAPCAP允许教职员工和学生使用他们的大学ID免费乘坐雅典公共交通(APT)路线. 乘客只需在指定的APT路线向巴士司机出示有效的大学学生证,即可享受无限车费. Transit vehicles provide accessibility accommodations.


CCC团队成员可以通过电话740-593-1917回答您的问题并为您提供帮助, text 740-593-4040, or email at tps@俄亥俄州.edu Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:30pm. 

Our office is located at 100 Factory Street, 雅典, OH 45701. 

Ohio University

Transportation & 停车 Services

100 Factory Street, 雅典 OH 45701

电话: 740-593-1917

文本: 740-593-4040

电子邮件: tps@俄亥俄州.edu

Follow us on Twitter: @OUTrans停车

Office Hours: Monday- Friday 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM